Success Story

Stakeholder Centered Leadership Coaching

leadership development coaching

The Scenario:

The new CEO of a large construction services organisation embarked on a change program with the intention of developing a more professional culture and ensuring appropriate promotion to leadership positions and high standards of leadership performance.

The Program:

Led by a partner organisation, Strategic Career Management collaborated to deliver a comprehensive leadership development coaching program to the Western Australian participants. The four leadership participants were at different stages of leadership development.

The Delivery:

Delivered over six months, the program:

  • Assessed the leaders in practical settings across the key leadership competencies and attributes identified by the organisation as crucial for high performance leadership.
  • Engaged the leaders’ key stakeholders to offer preliminary, ongoing and conclusory feedback and feedforward.
  • Supported the leaders to choose 2-3 key leadership growth areas.
  • Coached the leaders to develop in their chosen leadership growth areas, focusing on developing new perspectives and insights.
  • Supported the leaders to trial new approaches to achieve behavioural change and improvements in effectiveness.

The Results:

Strong results were reported with 100% of the leaders coached achieved positive behaviour change (as measured by stakeholders) and substantial improvement in their leadership effectiveness.

On average, 81% of stakeholders reported observable positive behaviour change and between 10-30% increased effectiveness of participants.